In Strict Confidence In Strict Confidence - The Final Embrace

My dreams fall to the floor, scattering like rose petals.
Disconcerted i watch the merciless tears settle upon the unfulfilled dreams like shimmering dewdrops. the diamond misery sparkles up at me, as though suggestion that i surrender myself completely.
My eyes widen in disbelief and involuntarily i shake my head. fear slashes at me with vicious claws. and i shudder in spite of myself.
The sullen darkness slithers closer, striking at me with ravenous fangs. i feel hope elude me as the last if the light recedes, and i sink to the floor, landing among the somber remains of once-beautiful wishes.
As i feel myself slipping away, realize that this is my end, and remorse rains down on me, mingling with the sorrow that fills my heart.
All is lost forever as the dead blackness enshrouds me with the final embrace.